Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


101 entries this month

Joy of spring.

18:24 Mar 31 2007
Times Read: 2,643

Seeing the birds eating at the feeder, the splash of bright color, sounds of the mating calls. Buds on the lilac bushes, the trees buds turning into leaves. The rabbit running across the yard, hiding under the evergreen trees.

Hearing the children on the street, the sound of laughter and skateboards. Someone is mowing as I hear the sound in the distance. Seeing the neighbor washing his truck, knowing later he would fire up the grill to cookout, having his family over.

*let the curtain fall back in place, blocking out the sunny day. Turning, I blow my nose again, eyes stinging from allergies.*

Yeah… spring is here. Joy!




Hints? What are those?

05:07 Mar 31 2007
Times Read: 1,722

Giving my sister Nita hints is a total waste of time. I mean- write it on a 2by4, hit her with it, and I swear, she will just blink in that innocent way of hers. (Like I would ever believe that look. LOL)

She arrives at my office a few minutes before 5:00pm, and sits in front of my desk. I asked her what she was up to and she tells me she is spending the evening with me. “Then you can watch me sleep as I did not go to sleep till 4:00am this morning.”

She blinks, and says in that voice of “you did not understand me” – “So, what are we doing tonight?” I just let out a deep sigh, and smile, knowing she has done it again. What? She has invited herself over again, seems to be making a habit of it. LOL.

Dinner of salmon for me, chicken for her, we watched TV and talked for the next six hours. About what? *smiles* These are a few things I remember during the night.

“Shit Head.”

“Foot fungus.”

“Snot face.”

“They eat children.” “They do not.” “Yes they do.”

“”Ohhh… man up, would you.”

*Covering my ears, and humming, as she talks about sexual positions with the boyfriend.*

“It’s just EWWW! I mean- it’s you writing the stories, so it’s like reading about you having sex.”



“Did she say butt?” “No, just your wishful thinking.”

“I will fart on you.” “That threat is getting old.” *Farts* “Who said it was a threat?”

“Would you blackmail someone?” “Yes.” “How come that is not a shock to me?”

“Don’t dip you carrot in the salt.”

“Boy… popcorn would be nice.” “Yes, it would.” *pause, looking at her as she looks at me* “Guess that means I have to make it.” “Guess so.” *laughs as I get up off the couch*

“EWWW! How can they stuff these? The poor animals. How sick is this?”


“I never put oil on them.” “I never not put oil on them.”

“You just don’t like squinty things in your mouth.”


“You are learning. I just need you to be a sounding board- keeping your mouth shut.”

“Ok Monk, I might want some more ice cream, so don’t touch that bowl.”

“Ugly ass shoes.” “Ugly outfit.”

“I want her eyelashes.” “You can buy them, there fake.”

“Do you think aliens made the stone circles/ crop circles?”

*patting her leg* “What do you want?” “Nothing- I just had salt on my fingers I need to wipe off.”

“He bites on my toes…” *covers my ears and starts to hum again, as she laughs her ass off.*

The most touching words of the night? “I love ya, sis.” “Love you to…foot fungus.”

Ahhh… sisters. Thanks Nita, it was fun as always… Butt head!

LOL. :)




*waves bye to the oven*

20:39 Mar 30 2007
Times Read: 1,735

Just got done loading the damaged oven, returned to the Malf as they have decided to do a return/replace on this item.

Spent a hour this morning making sure it was braced, wrapped and banned to the pallet, so no more damage is done to it.

I looked on the webpage for Cleveland Range. Combi MasterGas convection & steamer.

Cost: $ 15,862.50 with free shipping and handling.

Guess what this is.... or was. :(




Time for bed.

08:35 Mar 30 2007
Times Read: 1,749

* smiles * Well... what can I say- it's 3:33 am and I can't sleep. LOL That is my excuss and I am sticking with it, damn it.

* start to sing with the song... Time for bed, time for bed...*




Lore's journal. :)

08:11 Mar 30 2007
Times Read: 1,759

Unwinding from a night of work, trying to get a few hours of sleep, I start to read the journals. Finding Lore has one I have not read, I click over. New to the site- we have message regarding his work. :) And yes- he is on my favorites. I really love his work.

Why? Well... I snagged one of the poems off his journal. Lets just say I will be having nice dreams tonight. LOL


22:13:25 - Mar 22 2007

Times Read: 52

I wanna feel right through you. I wanna make you shake.

Your eyes roll closed in extacy upon that pretty face.

Sweat until you cry out. Scratch me until I bleed.

Beg to feel me deeper. Hunger for the need.

Wrap yourself around me like you'll fall if you let go.

Pull me deep inside just grit your teeth & let me know.

Feel my fingers on your skin in the most delicate of places.

Penetrating watching as you twist & make those faces.

I wanna taste you everywhere & curl your little toes.

Your bright eyes shimmer as you whimper & you moan.

Pull my hair. Call my name & swear you've never felt this way.

Feel the pleasure and the pain. Let me take your breath away.

Watch you gasp & see you quiver filling you so deep inside.

Arch your back as I deliver all your fantasies to life.

Lore tells me it is not his work, writer is unknown to him. I just love the ones he picks out, finds, or writes himself.




00:03 Mar 30 2007
Times Read: 1,768

LOL... No, seriously LOL. Ok, maybe a lol. Alright... maybe just a :)





04:22 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,782

Marching in front of Sahahria's home, yelling out "No more baths! Were are the scraps?"

The sign I carry reads - Stop the toment of Megan & Holmes.

The other side reads- No dog should smeel like Oatmeal!!

I know Fang will join me soon.





Newest Coven?

03:57 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,791

Thinking of starting my own coven after reading the thread on the forum.

Hmmm... The crest would be a picture of the Goonies.

I will call it- Coven of the Newbies

Creed? Thinking this will say it all. "Come join us. We are banding together and taking over the Rave!" *insert evil laughter sound bite here*

I will take any level, mostly whelps.

What you think? I see great things coming from it.

(In case you don't know- this is a joke, so do not message me)




For those I call friends.

02:18 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,799

RedQueen put a song in her journal for her sisters here on VR, which I am lucky to be one. I though that was so very sweet, and I have been trying to find one that express my feelings for those I call sisters. However, I would have to add a few males as well.

These people make me smile, and I look forward to talking with them, hearing about their day. Knowing they are here, in my life, makes me very happy.

For the birdie, the cat, the puppy, the deer, the tiger, and yes- even a great dane.

For those that I call my friends, I dedicated this to you.




Teen Arrested After

01:28 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,806

How stupid can you be?

Pikeville, KY (AP) - A moment on the video-sharing Web site YouTube landed an eastern Kentucky teen in jail.

Charles Jeremy Brown, 18, was charged with 27 counts of menacing, eight counts of criminal mischief and one count of criminal littering after investigators say they saw him on the Web site busting church windows, vandalizing grocery stores and menacing workers at a drive-through restaurant.

Pike County Chief Deputy Sheriff Melvin Sayers said other arrests are possible because at least one juvenile was identified in the 46 videos posted on the Web site. Three or four other people were also seen in the footage, but not immediately identified, Sayers said.

Investigators were tipped to search YouTube.com for "jbrownhoho," Sayers said.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.




Hills alive with spring.

00:27 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,810

Pictures of Hyden, Eastern Kentucky :)




It's kind of funny... :)

00:19 Mar 29 2007
Times Read: 1,813

After hours of finding the paperwork (Note to self- inform the boys the trucks floorboard is not a trash can. Ewww) I left to go renew our vehicles registrations. I travel the 40 miles to the home place of my father’s family, and walk into the clerks office, thinking I will be 20 minutes. If it is busy, maybe 30 minutes.

I walk in, loving being in a town were people say hello as they walk by. Were they open door as they see you walk toward them, talking to you on how it looks like rain. You just have to love small country towns. As I spent 4 hours there today, I should know. LOL Hyden is full of what my father calls “Good people.”

The women, who help me ever year look up as I walk in, file in hand. “Looks like I bet the crowd. I’m here to renewal our fleet.” That is when one tells me that the computers are down, state wide, and they can do nothing.

Today was the best day for me to do this. Being in a good mood- I asked how long they think it will be. “Depends. But with it state wide, I am sure they are working on it.” I said I would go eat, and maybe it will be up and running by the time I get back. I leave the file, and tell them I will return within the hour.

I get in my pickup and start down to the local restaurant of Dairy Queen. I let my eyes wonder a bit, taking in the lovely little town, and get right up to a light before I see it turning red. I slam my brakes on, and stop, only to feel a slight push from behind. I look behind me to see the woman cover her mouth in the “Oh my God!” position. I turn the truck off and get out, and she did the same. Walking back to the rear, I felt bad about her hitting me. I have almost rear-ended a few people because they slam on the brakes.

I look at my bumper, and it has no dent, just a rub spot. Her own car had a dent right at the hood top. We started to talk when a city police officer pulls up. He looks and asks us to move the cars to the side. I looked at the woman and said we were fine, and a police report would not be needed. They woman smiled, and it was over.

However, the police officer asked us again to move off the road. We did, and I expressed my desire to forget the whole thing, when he asked up for our licenses, insurance and vehicle registration. Oh shit… That is when I started to laugh, seeing the funny side of this, but he just gave me a look of “You are either high or drunk.” I bite my tongue, trying to stop laughing.

“You know- you are going to find this funny…” He frowned, and I knew he was not in the mood for a funny thing “… or not, but you see, I don’t have either insurance, or my registration.” Why is it the only time you do not have something, is the time you need it? LOL

I told him what happen, and he asked me to wait in the truck. The woman thanked me, leaving, and I sat there, waiting. A few minutes later, he gave me my licenses back, and told me “You should get your lunch and head back to the court house.” Guess he talked to the women at the clerk’s office. “Yes sir.” I did as he asked. Well… sort of, I took a few stops to take some pictures.

As of 4:00pm, computers still not up. Guess I know what I will be doing first thing in the morning, after a call to check that the computers are up and running.




13:49 Mar 28 2007
Times Read: 1,818

Never ever underestimate the power of a good night sleep.

*skips off to work, hearing the birds sing.*




My journal.... my music.

01:59 Mar 28 2007
Times Read: 1,831

Just in the mood for this ....




Time to act like my loving self. ^.^

00:52 Mar 27 2007
Times Read: 1,853

I come out of lurking and get this. *sigh* Ok- I can see my fiends list going down as I am feed up with this shit. You have to read from the bottom up. And this young male I have talked to about three times.


Mar 27 2007


Block User



Move to Saved

Email to Self

On 00:28:20 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

As friends we can talk here.

On 00:27:28 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

i dont mean sexual i mean just to talk as friends if thats all u want to be nothing more nothing less just pure and straight friends

On 00:24:52 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Now how thick is that head of yours? NO.

I don't do that, never have with you, and never will.

On 00:23:41 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

so do u thing that u could call me or write me if i gave u my phone number and address?

On 00:21:25 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:


On 00:21:03 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

i would but u wouldnt be there

On 00:20:08 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

For that cost, I could buy bibles and send the Sunday School kids out for icecream.

Maybe you should try a local church?

On 00:18:27 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

is there any way u can help me get there?

On 00:15:12 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Might wanted to ask that before...


On 00:14:19 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

where do u live? cuz i live in rolla missouri

On 00:13:47 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

O.o Then I will tell my preacher a sinner will be joining us on Sunday.

On 00:12:36 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

i would go anywhere just to meet u

On 00:12:06 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Uhhhh, let me think.. nope.

Well- how about church?

On 00:11:03 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

would u like to meet me in person somewhere public?

On 00:10:00 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Uhhh... nope.

On 00:09:08 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

would u like to fuck me in person if u got the chance?

On 00:07:24 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Cong on the new place.

Nope, I don't do that anymore.

My preacher tells me that it a sin, so I will not.

Pouty face is cute- but I will not burn in hell for it.

On 00:04:51 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

im good

i have my own apartment now

would u like my name address and phone number sexy?

and will u cyber with me?

pulease *makes a pouty face*

On 00:03:19 Mar 27 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Hi. I am fine, just on for a little while.

Ahhh... you are sweet. How are you?

On 00:02:32 Mar 27 2007 DRAGONFIRE224 wrote:

hey sexy how r u iv missed u




Should of gotten that puppy after all...

21:50 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,861

Today starts with problems to two A/C units- at different locations. It is that damn 85 degrees, I am telling you.

The first home it turns out being a filter problem, and an easy fix.

The second one- not so much. At the apartment, the technician calls to tell me it is the fan motor, looks burned up. As this is a new repair company, I ask Dad to go look at it. Phone call later and we are buying a motor. I was impressed he did not try to sell me a whole unit. Asking when he can do it- he said by 5:00pm, if he can find the motor.

Close to that time, he walks into the office to be paid. Pulling out the checkbook, I asked him about a problem I am having. “What do you do about animal that get under your home and tear at your vents?” Yes- possums can find a hole anywhere and yes, they dig. Yes, I understand that torn vents add to my energy cost. Yes- I know about the traps.

“I have to have them repaired every year.” I hand him the check and he look at me with those wise eyes and said to me…

“Do you have a dog? Dogs are good at getting rid of animals, keeping them away.”

O.o I busted out laughing, and the man leaves thinking I am total nuts.

*gives someone a look, and he knows who he is*




21:37 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,867

"The biggest myth about Southern women is that we are frail types--fainting on our sofas...nobody where I grew up every acted like that. We were about as fragile as coal trucks."

--Lee Smith

Character is what you are; reputation is what you try to make people think you are.





"Dealing" with the Kitty.

17:51 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,878

After reading my sister Nightgame journal on forum posting, I had to comment.

On 17:23:59 Mar 26 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Its because you are smart.. ;)

On 17:25:58 Mar 26 2007 Nightgame wrote:

Horse hockey, it's because you're a good person and I'm occasionally funny. :)

(Lost on this comment, I had to tell her what I was talking about)

On 17:28:02 Mar 26 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Nope- people follow you on the thread, just so they can use that line.

"I agree with Nightgame, she makes a good point."

Score- 1 post point. *grin*

Hey- why don't we set it up were you tell me were you post, and I will come in right behind you? lol

On 17:29:48 Mar 26 2007 Nightgame wrote:

smarty pants :)

On 17:31:16 Mar 26 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

*rat holds up a bag of cat nip*

Please? You know I have to have them...

On 17:32:20 Mar 26 2007 Nightgame wrote:

*cat looks around then grabs the catnip*

Oh you do know my weaknesses, Rat!

On 17:35:54 Mar 26 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

LOL... then a deal is struck. I will have to get this down packed.

*rat coughs to clear her throat*

"I agree with Nightgame on this point. She has, as always, stated her answer in a manner that leaves little for us to say."


Runs to hide in her hole...

Nightgame answer:

Oh you dirty little Rat!

*Starts gathering mouse traps*

LOL- love having lunch with my sister.




Southern Men.

16:13 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,883

With all the talk of Southern Women I have been doing, seems I left out the most valuable thing of the south. The men. LOL

What makes a southern man? Let me tell you- it has nothing to do with geographical location. As with the women, I believe it has to do with the male’s actions and attitude.

Now the tricky part… as this is my journal, this is what I see as a Southern Man.

*Letting my mind wonder*

A southern man has to work. Now do not get your underwear in a bind, I do not care if it is flipping burgers, or making corporate decisions, just an effort to do something in his life, having a life of his own.

A southern man is able to do about anything. From changing a tire, fixing dinner, and still able to make your toes curl as he whispers in your ear. Multi talent is necessary, for this man.

A southern man is strong. I like muscles on a male as much as the next woman, but I mean strong in other ways. He is one that will make a stand for that which he believes in, even if others do not see his reason, or need. He will never back down from a fight, morals strong.

A southern man is well breed, by either blood or self-taught. Opening doors, pulling out chairs, smiling as he walks by, and the tilt of a hat… never ever doubt what that does to a woman.

A southern man making you laugh, just happy he is there. He talks to you, and listens. If you reference back to something as a joke, he will understand as he remembers what you said.

Most important trait of a southern man, in my eyes? He is strong enough to let Southern Women be what they are. He might not agree with you, he might not like what you say, but he will stand up for your right to say it. A southern man is not afraid of debate, but will never be cruel. He respects your right to be what you are.

That is my list, but I am sure the other southern women will point out a few points I missed, and I welcome them, just wanted to give the men equal time. I am sure if any males read this- they might say…

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” But he would say it in a nice charming way. ;)




This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs....

03:17 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,894

Doing the Portfolios and run into this. Remember this saying: This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. *sad sigh*

"im me i love burnin shit blowin shit up anythin do do wit a flame i love smokin weed even tho pussy fuckin bitches try an say its bad for u ive smoked sense 5th grade an im fine except i blame the munchies for makin me fat haha"




*Just smiles*

01:45 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,907

A man goes to a bar and he ties his Great Dane up outside. About 10 minutes later a lady comes in and asks who's Great Dane is outside.

"Mine" says the man.

"My dog has just killed him", she says.

"What breed is your dog?" he asks.

"A Chiuahua", she says.

"How can a Chiuahua kill a Great Dane?"

"He got caught in his throat!!!"

Oh my god- it just hit me that Scooby-Doo was a Great Dane. LOL





01:02 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,912

Now this is just funny. But notice the food thing.. Hmmm. LOL

Business minded and a natural leader, you are a canidate to be embraced by the Ventrue clan. You can be rather dominant with a high stamina however, you tend to have obsessive compulsive tendencies...especially when it comes to your food. You are the clan the others look to organize groups and factions. Generally princes are among this clan.What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?




:) All Hail Satan.

00:40 Mar 26 2007
Times Read: 1,920

Top ten reasons why witches don't worship Satan.

10- Scorch marks on the furniture whenever Satan manifests.

9- Not even Lysol can mask the smell of brimstone.

8- Hard to keep flaming goat's skulls lit.

7- Decreased availability of blonde virgins.

6- Blood stains from the sacrifices are *impossible* to get out of the carpet.

5- Wailing of the damned souls in hell keeps the neighbors awake.

4- The cats keep attacking Satan's tail, which annoys him.

3- Repeated stooping motions for administering the Kiss of Shame (is difficult on the older coven members).

2- Demons smell even worse than brimstone


1- Impossible to worship something that doesn't exist!!




Gee.. were have I been told this before?

23:25 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,925



Mar 26 2007


Block User



Move to Saved

Email to Self

you know, your a very complex person, i don't know if you like me or not... but it doesn't matter, i like you,,,i feel like your a cat,,ask why? because, their pretty hard to get to know, but once you do get to know them they're hooked for life....i'm lacy by the way....

She seems like a nice young lady.




What is art?

23:01 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,932

Updated my profile art, and I have to say something. As I was looking at my photo bucket account, reminding myself of the VR rules, I notice just how much of it would not pass mustard, so to say. I use art, paintings, drawings that I like, that say something to me. Seems I never notice how much that had to do with the human body before now.

Angelus was talking to me the other night, asked to remove a piece of art of his that had nipples showing. Funny, but I never seen a woman’s breast as something to be ashamed of.

I see the need to limit the art, pictures here. I have seen some pictures of young women, showing more then what I would call good taste for a website open to teens, and viewed by anyone.

But they are real people, trying to gain attention with the pictures, a advertisement if you will. Different form drawings, or paintings.

However, I told Angelus, the rules are the rules. I mean- I am the one who points out the rules. *winks*

Just know it affects me to, my friend Angelus, but the playground has rules for a reason.




Maybe a new member of the VR zoo?

21:50 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,942

Rat looks up at the her, and smiles. Isn't she lovely? What legs, what speed and courage.

*Deer put face right next to the rat and looks at her with thse soft brown eyes.*

Rat reaches up to pet her, then sees something. "Is that nose hair? rat ask.

Deer takes a deep breath and blow her nose on the rat. Rat wipes at her wet sticky face, saying "EWWW!"

Do deers laugh? LOL

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




17:18 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,948

Said my voice was a mixture of Shania Twain and Beyoncé Knowles .

*bust out laughing, wiping tears away*

Ohhh gods.. but Fineblood is so full of it.

And since he is from TX- that means is a big pile of it.

lol J/K





03:11 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,957

Ahhh... what I always knew to be true. :)

What wise quote fits you? [pics]

Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown...Your buds is the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It does not matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.Take this quiz!

Quizilla |


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I hate Spring...

00:59 Mar 25 2007
Times Read: 1,966

Temperature of 83, a sunny bright day. Yes sir - I hate spring. *sigh* But I faced it and pulled off the flannel sheets, the little snowman mocking me as I shoved them in the washer, the words “Let it snow” just pissing me off. lol

Most people see spring equinox as the start of life, as the beginning of the growing season, and I agree. I mean- I do live in farm country. It is just the whole life thing that gets me.

I have my reasons- work picks up at this time, longer work hours. My allergies kick in, making it hell to breath, the headaches a normal every day event. We have those going against it, adding to …

Life. People change as the weather does. More sun light, more activities of children, and adults. People are out more, do more with nice weather. More crowds, more I have to watch who I am around, noticing their vibes.

It is just more....

Pagans believe this is the time of beginnings as the earth flourish with the return of the sun. Just the energy of this time of the year is hard for me to not notice. To me I see it as having to shield more, to stay out of the crowds.

Give me fall, winter anytime. Darkness is were I love to stay. Favorite time of the day is a few hours before the sunrise, the energy around 4:00am.

In the winter, it is quite, been dark for a good ten hours, people are asleep. The energy is different then, at least for me, calming almost. I enjoy feeling the build up to the sunrise, knowing it will not bring all the energy, as it is weaken, unlike they are becoming now with spring.

Yes- Fall and winter is my time. The Fall Equinox is how many months away?




My journal, my music.

23:22 Mar 24 2007
Times Read: 1,971

If you do not know who Mediaeval Baebes are- then you most likely will not like this video. But... I do, have loved them for years. :)




For Red and Night.

15:03 Mar 24 2007
Times Read: 1,987

How Southern Woman stand up for their sisters. :)

Sisters who have been rated a 6 and a 4 on their profiles. Trust me- these ladies have wonderful profiles. They are upset, all the hard work they put into them.

So in honor of the #6 and #4. I tell the ones who gave them this- "Stick it were the sun don't shine." Ohhh I forgot the final touch...

*Gives them a Southern smile*




Time to rate. :)

14:32 Mar 24 2007
Times Read: 1,991

Rating time again!

“What twas is life without a man” A hell of a lot easier, if he is like most of them.

“We cut cause you love, hate, and despise us or we’re just depressed.” *holds up my hand* I have another reason… can I say? Can I? :)

“Let’s cut wrist like cheap coupons and say that death was on sale today.” *holds up the newspaper, and flips thru it… All I see is White Cloud toilet paper – 24 roll for $5.00 at Kroger. Damn- we never get the good coupons. lol

“A blade is sharper then a thorn.” Yeah- but does it smell as nice? Would it go by any other name?

“You’ll never live until ur a vampire” Hmm… but if you go by the movies and TV, you have to die to turn into a vampire. So the question is- if you are unwilling to die so you can be one… *rubs forehead*

“I’m not optimistic or pessimistic- I’m realistic.” Well that is just great! Unless you are just saying that because you know, it is what I want to hear.

“Suck first ask questions later lol” *smiles* seeing a vampire spiting out blood, and the nun slapping him with a ruler, pushing him off her neck.

“I can turn you if you want.” *Stands and turns around in place. See- I can do that all alone. And look…* starts the hokey pokey dance* I can do this as well. :)

“Don’t label me!” *Sits, spreading the glue on the back of the label.* Well, fine. But if you are left on the shelf, do not come crying to me.

“Lifes a bitch, if it were a slut id be easy.” *rolls my eyes* Hands out a case of condoms. At least use these. We have enough of you running around as it is.

“Darkness is present.” Why do I see a schoolroom, with the teacher doing roll call. Darkness holding up its hand in the dark corner, a scary voice next to it would say this. I swear… sitting right next to darkness would be the horror of all schools- the cheerleaders. lol

“Less is more.” Well- more or less, that is.

“First love at first bite, forever love at 3rd bite.” Ok- what happen on the second bite? *sings* La and La sitting in a tree, b i t i n g. Fist come love…

“The things we crave the most destroy us the quickest” Unh Unh… they say some chocolate is good for you. :)




She finally said it... LOL.

23:56 Mar 23 2007
Times Read: 2,003

On 00:45:12 Mar 24 2007 RedQueen wrote:

oh you......

no wait......


yeah that just aobut covers it- plan on getting it cut when I go back to FLorida to see Connor- Scott be dammed- he doesn't have to dry the shit when it is cold outside...

On 00:47:16 Mar 24 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

now wait a minute... when you say cut...

How much are we talking about?

BIYATCH? Did you just call me a BIYATCH?

Well hell- took you long enough.


RedQueen wrote:

At least 4 to 5 inches-and don't EVEN go there-

and yes I called you a biyatch- god knows you earned it...LMAO

On 00:51:44 Mar 24 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

* rat flashes you a big smile, white teeth flashing*

Gee what chance is it that that not going to be in my journal? lol

RedQueen wrote:

aw shit...I KNEW it...lol




Who are you in this clip?

19:06 Mar 22 2007
Times Read: 2,031

I needed a little bit of southern comfort and found this. I will admit- I think I am Ouiser. * Waits for anyone to disagree with her... tapping her foot.... looking at the clock...giving a deep sigh.*

You could at least try and say no. I mean- come on. * mubbles... Southern Charm my ass...*

Well fine- screw you and the horse you rode in on. LOL O.o

But that leave the question- what Southern Woman are you? Hummm???? :)

Nita is the bride's mother- having to face the death and hardship in life, trying to take it all on alone. :)

Connie is the shop owner, and mother hen, who holds her family and friends together. :)

RedQueen is the rich southern woman, who ends up buying the ball team. She is outspoken and filled with charm. :)

And yes- I did see the bird poop in Ouiser eye. LOL And do you notice how close that is to me "asking" your boyfriends a few questions? ROFL. Hey- got to protect my sisters. Besides- if they can't handle a few questions, how the hell will they ever handle you? ;) Hey- got rid of a few, ain't I? Weak men are a waste of time.

But we are all a mix of these ladies- all strong, giving, caring ladies. And trust me - ever one of you have a little Ouiser in you. * mean glare at each and every one of you* LOL

We are all southern at heart. :)




Ohhh look at what I found. :)

18:41 Mar 22 2007
Times Read: 2,034




Nap time for me...

16:50 Mar 22 2007
Times Read: 2,039

Plans for the night- Off work around 5:00- 5:30pm. Back to work at Mindnight for a courier run. Drive for a hour and a half. Bed by 2:00am.

Back up at 5:15 am to be at work by 5:45am, leaving to drive again, this time a truck, at 6:00am. Driving for 3 hours, unloading should take 3 more. Then the drive back, another 3 hours.

Can we say nap when I get home? :)




Isn't he cute!! :)

19:48 Mar 21 2007
Times Read: 2,053

Have you seen on the news about the twelve-year-old boy, lost for the last 4 days in the North Carolina Mountains? Did you see the doggy who found him? Gandalf is a two-year-old Shiloh Shepherd, with trainer/ volunteer Misha Marshall of the South Carolina Search and Rescue Association, found the kid.

We use to have a German shepherd, first dog I ever had. I remember how loving and easygoing he was. There are pictures of me riding him like a horse, in my diaper.

The Shiloh is a little different. A Tina M. Barber of Shiloh Shepherds Kennelin started the breed in 1974. They wanted to highlight some traits breeders believed were lost in the German Shepherds. Intelligent, confident, and outgoing personalities to name a few. Idea for herding, therapy, search and rescue.

Watching that cute little puppy bounce around, all happy he had found the little boy, would make anyone love him. The way the trainer talked about how the dog popped its head three times, letting them know he had the scent, I could not tell who was happier- her or the puppy.

Real hero of the story is the puppy. The kid? Fine- should have stayed with the group. Twelve years old should of known better…whatever. Gandalf, now he is the cuties thing. Makes you just want to hug him, pat him for hours.




13:31 Mar 21 2007
Times Read: 2,073

One less cock in the world and I am so very happy! Yes, folks- one of the three roosters that live in the neighborhood is dead. Found out yesterday he was hit by a car. *sigh*

And no- those are not tail feather sticking to my tire…

*shifty eyes, sweeping up that trail of corn I laid across the road.*






I am...

13:05 Mar 21 2007
Times Read: 2,077

I am…unfair.

I am…uncaring.

I am…cold.

I am…opinionated.

I am…the one at the party that stands in the corner.

I am…shy.

I am…unable to trust.

I am…unwilling to help.

I am…right.

I am…wrong.

I am…sorry I hurt people.

I am…right to say what I think.

I am…not one to let you close to me in person.

I am…loyal.

I am…a good friend.

I am…loved by a few.

I am…hated by many.

I am…not what you see on the surface.

I am…emotional.

I am…learning I need to be on guard with people, move back into my shell.

I am…afraid of being hurt.

I am…seeing who liked me for me.

I am…finding those that lied.

I am…not going to change.

I am…sad you think I would.

I am…not this person you built up in your head.

I am…no ones business.

I am…one you have to deal with, or move along.

I am…one with attitude.

I am…an acquired taste.

I am…one with limits of how much I will take.

I am…not a copy.

I am…willing for those I love.

I am…one who will tell you to fuck off.

I am…one who shows little pity.

I am…one who will take my licks from others.

I am…one who is removing my heart from my sleeve.

I am…not a social person.

I am…not here to please.

I am…not a wanna be.

I am…staying true to myself.

I am…not a liar.

I am…not a seeker of power.

I am…one who will support, and expect nothing in return.

I am…falling short in your eyes.

I am...sorry to him, that I betray his trust.

I am…sadden I was not who you expected.

I am…only me.

I am...so let me be.




Innocent makes the best ones. *evil laughter*

20:51 Mar 20 2007
Times Read: 2,094

“On 21:00:47 Mar 20 2007 Elemental wrote:

well huh.....lol

showing students the rave in hazard

On 21:05:20 Mar 20 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Oh my gosh... * Rat climbs to the computers edge to see the nice young people you are bringing to the dark side*



On 21:07:53 Mar 20 2007 Elemental wrote:

they are waving back to rat......under birdy's supervision....and they have received their postcards even

On 21:10:11 Mar 20 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

*Rat holds out a plate of cookies to the nice young victims.. Oppss.. I mean young people.*

Hello all. Want a cookie? :)

On 21:11:35 Mar 20 2007 Elemental wrote:

birdy told them rat's cookies were ok to eat....and they both took one.....

On 21:12:16 Mar 20 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Tell them the brown chips in them or chocolate- not rat poop.


Elemental answer before she signed off:

um wasnt going to go there.....since they are NEW and INNOCENT.... about rats....lol




My dreams...

16:33 Mar 20 2007
Times Read: 2,107

“What do I want? I want to drive a Big Black Limousine! Wooo Hooo!” Quote from a movie call My Chauffeur, a movie Connie introduced me too. I have never been in a limo, but to tell you the truth, if I was given the choice, I would rather be behind the wheel. I mean- look at this beauty.

Mercedes – Benz armor, reinforced body structure. Self-healing fuel tank, onboard fire extinguishing system. Has a 5.5 L twin turbo twelve-cylinder engine that generates 517 HP, 612 ft lbs of torque. Now I do not know a lot about engines, but … I would love to try this thing out. Just the weight of it, low to the ground, bet it is a smooth ride.

Price? “Only a government can afford” is the comment on the website.

Love to drive it. Then- there is something else I have seen I would love to wrap my hands around the sterling wheel. I have seen big construction equipment, but this bad boy would make them look like Tonka toys.

Meet the Caterpillar 789C hauler. Empty weight is 299,100 lbs., 851-gallon fuel tank, and overall width of the tires at 22 ft. It can haul 195 tons; turn in a radius of 90 ft. Power by a 1770.15HP 16-cylinder four-stroke design diesel engine. Top speed is 32 mph. 38 ft in length, and 39 ft tall with the bed up.

I have to give the “Tool Time” grunt on this one.

*sigh* A girl has to have a dream…




Birdy Birdy Birdy.... :)

15:46 Mar 20 2007
Times Read: 2,110

*Rat comes out of her hole, looking around to see that Kitty and the Birdie are nowhere near. Smiling she comes out to tell of her night last night.*

Spent the evening with my sisters, having fun as always. Talking of the normal stuff we do when together… jobs, males, food, movies, music… family.

*Rat remembers the threat she is living under from the birdie, and her face crunches up as she tries to figure out how to say this, as she likes her legs and arms on her body, her skin in one piece.*

I can’t tell you as the birdie threaten to cook me over the Cracker Barrel fire place, roasted rat is the word she used, telling me were the steel rod went for that.

*Rat rubs her ass*

I tell you what- that birdie taste buds are changing if she thinks I would be any good.

We went to my house to start our ritual, all about spring and the beginning of life on earth. The growth of seeds in the ground, the budding of life.

* Rat smiles, looking for the bird any minute now*

After Connie tried to burn my house down with the incense ember in my carpet, we started the ritual.

*Rat thinks she hears a distance growl*

I just wish I had some eggs for decorations. Some nice color dyed ones, marble effect, striped ones. However, I ran out of time... it seem to just pass so fast these days.

I mean- we only have 9 months left in this year. Then it will be 2008, and the circle of the wheel will start all over again.

*Hearing the eagle call, and the cat’s growl getting louder, Rat runs for her hole in the wall.*

WHAT? I did not say anything.


Ohhh and Nita- you called me as I was typing this. Think- you brought me lunch, as I could not get away. *eating the sandwich* I should take this off, but… reaches for a chip. Nah. Were would the fun of that be?




For the boys... not the men. There is a difference.

14:39 Mar 20 2007
Times Read: 2,120

Poor Nightgame and RedQueen have both have been “proposition” by some males on this site. One telling of how "hard up" he is, alone, and with a broken hand. Wishing she was there to “Handle” the problem. Gee… and what are you typing with? You can use either hand. Stroke might not…. * clamps mouth shut, eyes wide open* Uhhh… never mind. LOL

It did bring to mind a song by Pink. Therefore, this is going out to all the males who think of us as playthings. Listen and you might learn a few things. And the song fits into the whole "anti male" that is me. *LOL snorts*

Or the video might make you even more turned on. Hmmm.. * seeing a flaw in the plan. Smiles*

Yes- those names were RedQueen and Nightgame. LOL Sorry girls- better you then me. * grin *




Common sense rules !!

18:15 Mar 19 2007
Times Read: 2,136

So how stupid is this? My sister asked me to help her replace her keyboard on her laptop weeks ago. Her “J” key falls off, and Dell sent her a new one. (I would tell you it is her hitting it as she tried to bill the Power Track, but anyway… lol) Have to love warranties.

I told sis- “No freaking way.” I hate computers. Honestly. :)

So today, as my other sister is here visiting on her day off from out of town, they decided to replace it. That lasted about three minutes before my name is bellow out. Who the hell knew it was more about common sense then computer knowledge? “I need a screwdriver. A small one.” I leave my desk to find one out in the warehouse.

“But it will break… It will not come out.” One good sharp tug and the cover is off. “You could have broken it!” Yeah- I could have. “I can’t get the plug…Here- see if you can do it.” She hands the keyboard to me, having not seen were she pulled the little connector from the computer.

Me, who just tugged the cover off, looks at the black film looking thingy, stick the golden connects in the little spot, pushing down the black plastic cover down. I get the whole connecter thing, worked on truck’s lights for years.

Having let me “persuade” the little cover back on, her laptop is back together. It only took the most unknowable one in the crowd to do it. Now if smoke starts coming out of it... ;)




Need to laugh.

14:25 Mar 19 2007
Times Read: 2,141

Sorry- I just needed to have a laugh, and wanted to share it with my sisters. And yes- I am wiccan, but more pagan really. :)

How to Annoy Wiccans

1.Borrow their eyeliner and then don't give it back.

2.Snicker when the fat ones go skyclad.

3.Rearrange their altar.

4.Clean their "tools."

5.If they mention Magick, ask them to explain...you never understood that dumb card game...

6.Step into that drawn circle and ask them what their doing.

7.Sharpen that dull knife of theirs.

8.Ask if they can wriggle their nose like in Bewitched.

9.Put on your best Billie Burke voice and ask "Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"

10.Throw water on them and expect them to melt.

11.Turn their pentagrams upside down.

12.Recite good poetry during ritual.

13.Tell the goddess to put up or shut up during the invocation.

14. Ask if they can do those things like in that movie...what was it...? Oh yeah, "The Craft!"

15. Duck, and remind them about the "an' it harm none" bit.

16.Talk to their cat. Tell them the cat says it wants human sacrifices.

17.Ask them who you have to sleep with in order to get initiated to the 3rd Degree.

18.Half way through a ritual, ask the high priestess to wake you when the sex starts...

19.Edit their Book of Shadows, inserting material from one of the assorted Necronomicons or the Satanic Bible.

20. Ask them to recommend a good book on the subject of Wicca. When they respond, repeat that you wanted a *good* book on Wicca.

21. When one tells you that s/he is a Witch, tell them not to be so hard on themselves.

22.Remind them the moon has four phases, not three.

23.Put fire wood around the maypole, and lite it up.

Top 10 Signs You're Dealing With

A Wanna-be Witch

10. "I learned how to make a stoplight change!"

9. "Can you teach me how to make a raincloud come around?"

8. "Well, I saw this really cool Ricki Lake show on the Craft..."

7. "I'm a natural witch!"

6. "What do you mean, I'm not in ceremonial clothing?"

5. "You mean that you don't have a familiar?"

4. "I studied the Necronomicon. It was pretty cool. Sitting right there in Waldenbooks, I just had to summon Cthulu!"

3. "I sometimes hear voices in my head...they tell me that the Goddess is watching me and my parents are freaks."

2. "I'm an expert at Tarot/runes/reading auras/etc."

1. "I'm a warlock."




This is what I was trying to say...

12:36 Mar 19 2007
Times Read: 2,150

Comments I made about the thread in the forum have been misunderstood. Let me explain what I was trying to point out, in my personal journal:

1. I disagreed with the profile update post left open. When I made the comment- I saw a posting that would have been closed within minutes. Did the comment have to do with Stabb? No. I would have made the comment on anyone. Upon talking with a few people, I understand why it had been closed and reopen twice. With the comments being made, making it a legit thread. Still- it started as an advertisement, and it would have been closed. Profile updates are closed. It was NOT an attack on Stabb.

2. There is still a disregard to people’s opinion in the forum. This was not aimed at anyone. It is being done by many people, no matter their positions here. I have read several threads, thinking to post, but before I finish reading the previous postings, I have changed my mind. Case in point: anything that has to do with the prince’s mark, time it took to reach sire. This site is open to all people- no matter your knowledge. The forum is going to reflect this.

Thanks to Stabb and Sahahria for talking to me about this, making their points clear to me.




Showing my age.

22:05 Mar 18 2007
Times Read: 2,179

Showing my age as I talk to RedQueen, my sis. What can I say - I am old to a lot of people on here. :) * looks at the gray hair, thinking I need to dye it soon* LOL

RedQueen wrote:

hanky panky? HANKY PANKY??? you write erotic stories in your journal, HUNDREDS of them, and you say HANKY PANKY???LMAO

ok, that was priceless-




Rose Parade floats

18:00 Mar 18 2007
Times Read: 2,198

Watching the TV show Dirty Jobs and they are breaking down the Rose parade floats. Flowers, food... all rotten after a month of sitting in a warehouse, waiting to be disassembled.

In this show-, the floats were stored wet, as it rained the day of the parade.

Is it strange to watch, thinking they need mask on as he starts to scrape off the rotten oranges that are a lovely gray color. I mean- mold is mold.

Ewwww... never watch that parade again without thinking of this show. Funny- they never tell you this part of the floats life.

Rotten flower and fruit, food... the smeel alone would be ..Ewww. Must less having to rake, pull, tug it off the metal frames the floats are made of. Metal frames that they cut up to sale for scrap metal.

Taking all this down, to only turn around and start again.

And yes- I am a fan of the Dirty Jobs show. Was a fan of the Rose Parade, but now... nothing like the picture of rotten mushrooms to make you rethink that. LOL





14:54 Mar 18 2007
Times Read: 2,203

What can I say- went to bed with sex on my mind. lol So I pulled up one of my favorites.




Good night sleep.

14:00 Mar 17 2007
Times Read: 2,251

After having trouble sleeping the last 4 nights and up early for this job, I slept like a baby last night, wakening up in a happy mood. The job I have been dreading at work is finished. Even with the driver getting sick, a Vehicle Enforcement check on the truck, it still went off without a hitch.

Two vintage hand crank record player,Victorian style davenports and bedroom sets, wooden wardrobes, and nine marble tops moved with out damage.

The cost of the full coverage insurance she purchased given to the boys as tips by me. I love when a job works out. *patting my boys on the their backs*

The day is sunny, and cool, my favorite. Think I will grab the camera and go play a little.




LOL Damn- it was the AOL that did it. :)

01:52 Mar 17 2007
Times Read: 2,261

Funny- I don't think I am evil at all. * pauses as she hears the laughter* Cute... be cute, asshole.


How evil are you?




My ring tone. ;)

00:49 Mar 17 2007
Times Read: 2,265

My sister Nita (Elemental) cell phone rings and I here Conway Twitty voice saying "Hello Darling. Its been a long time..." :) Its the ringer she set for her boyfriend. Gods, but that song brings back my childhood.Dad would sing that song to Mom every time it came on the radio. *happy smile*

Asked what mine was - and she played it. She knows me very well, as this is the song she picked out. Its here because the little sound bite made me want to hear the whole song.

I think she pegged me well. lol




Hey Birdy!!!

19:35 Mar 16 2007
Times Read: 2,282

Forum thread about a name for the bird- new pet. NOTE: I posted just for you!!..... ROFL.

My post:

Well... my favorite birdly is called Nita. ;)





Portfolios rating.

03:16 Mar 15 2007
Times Read: 2,308

Having to keep up the lesson on how to become a Sire- ( that is me making fun of myself, for those who don't get it. LOL ) I have to say something about the portfolios. When they pull up- it is by the highest rated.

Please do not rate this way. Ever person who rates changed this list, and you will never be able to keep up with who you rated, were you stop rating.

Change it to the oldest, and then you start rating until you have them done. They are in the 300’s so now is the time to do this.

I know it is hard- you rate one, and then you have to go to the left side of the screen and pull all the portfolios back up. Change the rating by oldest again, but only for the first #15. After that- you can use the backspace button, I swear. When you have them rated this way- every day you go over and change it to “Newest” and it will pull up from the newest to the oldest.

You will find the last person you rated, and do the ones that have been added since. You keep up with the newest added- and you have all of them rated.

And think of all those pages viewed and time spent.

Sirehood is just around the corner. :)




Lord your status? Who? Me??? LOL Why you little pup!

02:23 Mar 15 2007
Times Read: 2,319

On 02:09:09 Mar 15 2007 RedQueen wrote:

I made you a PRESENT......

I made you a PRESENT....

RedQueen is the puppy of our VR zoo...

On 03:02:43 Mar 15 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

*rat comes over draging a plastic bag.*

Well... were is it? And you better not get use to leaving me these little "presents"

*looks around for the pile of poo*

RedQueen sent back:

I beg your pardon miss- I know where to go and to NOT make a mess.....

Go look in my journal...LMAO

*remembers that old adage about not to shit where you eat....*

I do and this is what I find:


ROFL O.o Yeap- that is me!




New Server

02:00 Mar 15 2007
Times Read: 2,320

Rated 225+ portfolios, 20+ profiles in under 2 hours. And added 9 pictures to my portfolios. I think that is a new record for me.

Damn- I love this new server.





I am starting to like this lady. :)

19:41 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,341

Sahahria started it! She put the comment on my portfolio that I was a dirty lurker. LOL What? You would let that go? *snickers*

On 17:53:47 Mar 14 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

I am not a dirty lurker…

I took a shower this morning.

I even used soap.

Thus, I am a clean lurker. :p

On 17:57:58 Mar 14 2007 sahahria wrote:

Yep you can try that line on the whelps...

It will only last until they read your journal ;)

On 18:08:44 Mar 14 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

*Holding a cleaner and a rag, I polish my Halo, I look at you with wide eyes*

Unh Unh.

On 18:14:47 Mar 14 2007 sahahria wrote:

you might as well get the horns too while you polish that halo missy ...

After all a shiny halo over tarnished horns is quite the fashion no-no


On 18:25:01 Mar 14 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:


*touches the tips of my horns, kind of dull*

Can I use your file? My horns need sharpening.

* smiles *

On 18:38:45 Mar 14 2007 sahahria wrote:

I've got one better :)

Horn sharpener... like for eyeliner but bigger!

On 18:41:24 Mar 14 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:


And we can use it on the men if they get out of line. O.o

You are good.... ;)

On 18:42:47 Mar 14 2007 sahahria wrote:

True we could... but I find oldies much better in this area...

Good old nutcrackers

Nothing like them with gaining a cringe and a few tears! >:)

ROFL. Maybe I should not put this in here... Hell, she is a Dominar, she can take it out if she wants to. :) Besides- she put me in her's and it it was about puppy poo. LOL




The Who's Online Game continues...

18:26 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,344

"Oh by the way, two rows of dominers in a row. Cancer counts as a wildcard." jabiluss tells me.

Oh nooo. Who said Cancer is a wildcard? Were is that in the rules of the game?

Nope- you get a row of Dominars Just like me. We are still even. *sticks my tongue out at you*

No cheating... LOL




17:33 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,351

I love art. And several of this gallery pieces hang in my home. Take a few minutes, turn the sound up, and enjoy.




World's Shortest Fairy Tale.

13:21 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,360

Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, "Will you marry me?" The guy said "No."

And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, drank martinis with friends, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a closet full of shoes and handbags, stayed skinny, and was never farted on.

The end.

LOL- Thanks RedQueen, I knew there was a reason I never remarried. :)




Rat has a hangover.

12:20 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,372

Rat sits with a icebag on her head, glaring at the office lights above, hating when the phone rings. Swearing that her sister is just making as much noise as she can, grinching as she slam the filecabinet closed yet again, she sits in her office and remembers the beers she had talking to RedQueen.

She remembers cussing, ranting, raving, laughter, comment cards, and the word rat hole sticks in her mind. And that she needs to buy better sheets for her guest bed. LOL And the whole idea of kinky spanking ...

On 03:54:10 Mar 14 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Ahhh thanks sis. LOL at the wing joke...

*changes to her rat shape, the last empty beer can falling over as I hug your paw*

Night Fang, and I will see you soon.

*yawns and jumps from the couch, walking a little crocked to her hole in the wall... hits the wall, burps, and tries again, landing it this time... You see me fall flat on my face, the tip of my little rat tail all that you can see... as rat snores start.*

:) Love you sis.

RedQueen, aka Fang wrote:


*uses a paw to push rat into her hole and onto her matchstick box bed*

yes, I remember the old cartoons too, love...

*tucks tiny quilt around snoring rat*

love you too, sis :)

*smiles* Got to love a puppy who lets you get ratface drunk and still tucks you in. LOL





04:40 Mar 14 2007
Times Read: 2,376

Unable to sleep, I go to Vampireradio.com. This is a site I have been wanting to visit for a while, so tonight.. or this morning ...I made the time to go over. I flip around and I have to say- added it to my favorites. There is some funny stuff here.

Cancer having his chest waxed is the image I take to bed. lol Always wanted to know- would it grow back?

Would I ever ask him? "By the way Cancer- how is your chest hair? Can I feel it?" LOL Are you crazy? That man is so off limits.

But there is some fun stuff here folk- go see. :)

I promise you will get a laugh.




Minnie Pearl and the Delicious Goth girl. :)

20:07 Mar 13 2007
Times Read: 2,384

Spent last evening with my two sisters- Connie and Nita. Nita kept me company during the last hour of work as she is on Spring Break. She also has her eyes dilated from an eye exam. She sits in front of my desk, telling me she is seeing two of me. LOL. I put my finger up beside my nose and ask which one is picking her nose. :)

Leaving work, me driving her SUV, we head to Big Lots. She needed sunglasses to wear, and I wanted to look at the spring decorations.

First stop is the sunglass display. Unable to see, she asks me to pick a pair. Ohhh the mean plots that travel thru my mind. I mean- they had Sponge Bob sunglasses there. LOL But I picked a nice pair. Problem is- she would not take them off. Do any of you remember Minnie Pearl? Walking around with the price tag hanging off the side of her hat. (Yes folks- I am old enough to of watched Hee Haw) Well she was my own little Minnie Pearl walking around with the price hanging down her nose. Lol

We walk along…me trying to stay well in front so no one would know we were together. (Just kidding) Walking along the yard decorations- she points out a statue of Buddha. I glanced and walked along, when she calls me back. “What is that sticking out of him?” I smile, and go back to her side to look down the isle with her. Beside the Buddha was a little statue of a bear, holding a fish out on a fishing pole he was holding. Poor little fish hit the Buddha right about the belly area. I laughed- telling her what it was, and she joined in the laughter, telling me she cannot see anything.

We decided we wanted something sweet to eat, so I sent her toward the check out and I went to get a couple of candy bars. I am walking back to her when she glances at me- those dark sunglasses…with the price tag hanging down. I busted out laughing right there. She just smiled and stuck her nose up in the air a little bit more. Of course, that just showed the $3.99 price tag off even more. LOL

Meeting up with Connie later, we went out for dinner and drinks. May I say right here- Miss Connie was looking delicious. Gothic style blouse, silvery cross necklace. Hair, makeup with drop-dead red lipstick. She was looking good. Of course Nita still had her sunglasses on (minus the tag, at least) and I was in jeans, sweater and very little makeup. However, dinner was nice- even with the bartender’s bitchy attitude when Nita and I sent our drinks back. Sorry folks- but a strawberry daiquiri is not a sour drink. But hey- she picked the wrong day to come to our table and tell us “no one else had problem with their drinks” But you would have been proud- I kept it in till we left, talking to the manager. Sorry- but its not her place to come to the table to question why you sent the drinks back, it is the managers, if anyone.

Trip to the video store brought the usually fuss of what we all three can agree on. No girly flicks, No horror, No stupid humor, and NO animals being killed. You try to pick one. lol Asked about a movie that I have seen, and the other have not- I made the comment of “Between 1 to 5, it’s a 7.” Boy- sisters caught that mistake fast. I meant 7 out of 10.

Following Connie around, I comment her on her looks, and her smell (wearing the fancy perfume we brought her for her birthday) Nita steps closer and I lean in to sniff Connie’s neck. Nita asked me what I was doing and I told her. I told Connie I was sorry, but she told me she did not mind. That just got both Nita and I all over her neck. She will not make that mistake again, beating us off.

Watching the movie we picked out, I sit and smile at my how my home feels warm. (It is not just because Nita made me turn the heat on. lol) Nothing like the love of friendship to keep you on track, appreciate what you have in life. Just how freaking lucky you have friends who love you for being you.

Thanks girls.




14:28 Mar 13 2007
Times Read: 2,392

Damn... the portifolio are back online. *sigh*

Did I tell you I hate having my picture taken? I use to- then I had a bad run in with a photographer who disliked my "look"

Hell- I might not even do one this time around.

:) At least I can pull the pictures of me out.

Ok- I will put the others back up- the landscape, nature ones. I do love to take photos.




We must go to the same doctor. :)

13:49 Mar 13 2007
Times Read: 2,397

A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basic items.

"How much do you weigh?" she asks.

"115," she says.

The nurse puts her on the scale.

It turns out her weight is 140.

The nurse asks, "Your height?"

"5 foot 8," she says.

The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5".

She then takes her blood pressure

And tells the woman it is very high.

"Of course it's high!" she screams,

"When I came in here I was tall and slender!

Now I'm short and fat!"




Courage over our fears.

19:13 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 2,422

Flipping thru the TV channels, I found a woman standing in front of a huge screen with the word Courage on it. I stop on the channel to try to place the woman, and realized she is a famous motivational speaker. She is talking of personal finance, but the big sign with courage on it made me listen a little. She was on the Kentucky Educational TV station, and giving one of her speeches.

She talked about fear. Fear is what keeps us from doing what we want. To achieve what we most desire. Fear of failing. Fear of being hurt. Fear that we do not have what it takes to achieve our goals. For most- it is the fear of not even trying that is the biggest fear.

She turns and points at the sign. Then she tells you that you need courage. Courage to take the chance, risk losing. Courage to fail, courage to start over. Courage to stand for what you want in life, as no one will give it to you. Courage to face your fears, take them over, to control them. That it is a day to day- an hour-by-hour job, but its gets easier. Just to take that step, take control in a small way, working to our goals. To build on our courage, and to weaken the fear.

She tells you, even today, she has fear. That all she has made can be gone…but she would have the courage to start over again. She sees herself as a Warrior, and when she is frighten, she calls upon the warrior to take over the fear, to give her courage.

Reason she was standing in front of the huge screen with the word courage on it, not fear as she started this discussion about.

Wanted to share that.

Wish I could do the Xena warrior cry, but it sounds like a cat stuck in a tree. LOL

Seriously - I do wish all my friends more courage. For me as well.




Lifesaver come in all flavors. :)

18:27 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 2,426

A teacher was doing a study testing the senses of first graders, using a

bowl of lifesavers. With each color they ate, he would ask the children what it tasted like. The children began to say:





Finally the teacher gave them all honey lifesavers. After eating them,

none of the children could identify the taste. "Well," he said, "I'll

give you all a clue...It's what your mother may sometimes call your


One little girl looked up in horror, spit her lifesaver out and yelled,

"Oh My God!!!! They're assholes




Had to share the laugh I got from my sister's email. :)

16:36 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 2,437

A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door.

The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.

"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3 o'clock in the morning!" He slams the door and returns to bed.

"Who was that?" asked his wife.

"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.

"Did you help him?" she asks.

"No, I did not, it is 3 o'clock in the morning and it

is pouring out there!"

"Well, you have a short memory," says his wife. "Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!"

The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.

He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still


"Yes" comes back the answer.

"Do you still need a push?", calls out the husband.

"Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark.

"Where are you?" asks the husband.

"Over here on the swing!" replies the drunk.





See... I do like country music. :)

16:25 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 2,445

They say I don't like country music. That is not so. I like country... well, if it has a beat and I agree with the words. lol

And for that very reason- I love this song.




New touchs on VR.

13:38 Mar 12 2007
Times Read: 2,456

The main page of VR when you sign on- I love the VR symbol, how it changes.

But I never knew it had sound till just now. LOL

* shivers *

Ohhh I like it.

And the faster upload is not bad at all. :)

Site is even better.

Thanks Cancer.




Spring is in the air....

22:21 Mar 11 2007
Times Read: 2,465

Sitting on my porch, watching the birds eat the last meals before sunset, laying in my lounger… and I see three or four robins in the yard.

And I swear I just killed a mosquito off my hand.


Damn- spring is getting closer.




Cow blood. ;)

03:11 Mar 10 2007
Times Read: 2,482

Looking at the forum- I see this in the General:

if you con not find human blood would cow blood do in a pinch

* twist my hands, making myself keep the smart ass remark in.* Ok- I will just put it here.... LOL

I walk up to the cow, it flicking its tail, flys all around, scent of cow shit strong. I look deep into the brown eyes of the animal, and say... in my best vampire voice. "I vant to suck your blood." Moo.

It starts to run off, and I chase after it, slowly to make the hunt better. Not knowing just how fast cows can hoof it- I have to really chase the damn cow, yelling out... "Stop! I need to suck on you. You are dinner... and you are putting me in the MOOd for steak!!"


See why I don't post on the forum? I would just get in trouble.




My journal... my music.

02:20 Mar 10 2007
Times Read: 2,483

Song from my past and it fits my mood. :)




Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages.....

18:31 Mar 09 2007
Times Read: 2,497

I love to see the pictures of space, and AOL has some lovely ones. :) Make you realise just how small you, your problems, troubles are.

And how much of a wonder life is.

Space Photos, Pictures and Best Space Images - AOL Research & Learn




VR makes me feel old sometimes.. :)

14:45 Mar 09 2007
Times Read: 2,512

I click on the polls, and see white print. Cool, new ones to vote on. I scroll down to the first new one and work my way up.

Favorite Underworld villain? Did it have one? I mean…everyone of these listed had a reason to do what they did…but I click on Viktor.

The next one asked: Who is your favorite child program villain? Flashes in my mind of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, Casper and the Ghost, Scooby Doo and whatever “monster” he was fighting at that time…

Then I read the polls choices: Power Ranger? Never watched. Sonic? Cannot say I even know what that is. Ninja Turtles? *smiles* those I know, pizza! but never watched. Super Morrio? I though that was a video game? I shake my head, voting what kind of question is this.

Seeing the age gap of the people online here… wonder how many would even know the ones I listed. Thinking how very old VR makes me feel sometimes,I move up to the next question:

What would you want to have done to you when you die?

As in what will happen to your body…

*blinks* Oh come on!! Tell me you are kidding me? ROFL.

Why not ask me how soon I think I will need a walker? A hearing aid? :)

*cups my hand around my ear..* What did you say?

LOL I am so old.




23:50 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,523

You know- it doesn't take a genius to firgure out how to stop them. It really was easy. :)

You go to personal settings and turn off the biting. LOL

Now lets see them pester me... *evil laughter*

*slipping out of lurking*




Leaving the halo at home.

20:49 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,527

If I believed in heaven and hell, I would surely be sent to hell for posting this. But what can I say? I think it's funny as ... well... hell. LOL 0.o That and I love the how the song starts.




Cake or bed?

18:43 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,533
































COUPLE OF HOURS...................................

























ROFL... My kind of woman! But then, I would of mixed the cake up, put it in the oven, took him to bed for the 30 to 40 mins, then had the cake as he slept. Now that... that is how us southern women do it.





Listen to the darkness...

17:50 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,538

While this is a nice video- I really wanted it for the song. Midnight Syndicate it one of my favorites. You can see why my profile music is what it is.

Close your eyes and listen, letting the music take you were it will.




#3 Dominars in a row!!

02:08 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,553



sahahria .

2/7/07 at 9:08 pm.

Yes.. the game is afoot.


I so need to get a life.




Thanks to him...

00:08 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 2,559

As I get ready to post a story- I have to tell you a little about it.

I am not a donor. Nor do I drink blood.

But I always wonder about the need to do either.

Talking to a person on VR a while ago- he helped me understand the desire people have to be both. And the power the donor has in the relationship. This story came from our talk.

Hope you like The Need.

And I hope I came close to understanding.




To RedQueen I give thanks.

14:44 Mar 07 2007
Times Read: 2,569

To RedQueen and her alter ego known as Fang, the puppy, I wish to say thank you. Having taking a few minutes to catch up on my favorite journal, I found her jokes about me, aka the Rat.

Not only a rat, but a Highness Rat. LOL

Gee.. Write a little story about your sisters and look what happens. :)

So glad none of them ever take on writing a story about the rat. lol

Know that I laughed my ass off, sis, just when I needed to release some stress. Like last night when you put me to bed, laying at my feet to watch over the rat as I did not feel well. I find you watching over me always, concern for me.

In that- you are part of my family. I have few friends; people that I would be sadden if they left my life. Those few know who they are as I try to tell/ let them know what they mean to me.

You are one of them, my darling Fang. *rat drags in a milk bone for the puppy*

With love and respect for a strong woman that you are, I thank you. Your strength only adds to my own.

:) Love ya sis. *leaving you to sleep...but giving the tail one little yank before I leave, still wearing a smile from reading your journal.*

P.S.- Yes, I am too short! ROFL

And here is the rat at Fang's when we have a few beers... lol

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting




Have to love sister who helps when you have a bad day.

23:41 Mar 06 2007
Times Read: 2,581

Sister sent me these little gems: LOL

Pinch my nipples -

A woman went to a Meijer's service counter and told the clerk she wanted a refund for the toaster she bought because it won't work.

The clerk told her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special.

Suddenly, the woman threw her arms up in the air and started screaming,


The befuddled clerk ran away to get the store manager, in front of a growing crowd of customers.

The manager comes to the woman and asks, "Ma'am what's wrong?" She explained the problem with the toaster, and he also told her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special.

Once again, the woman throws her arms up in the air and screamed,


.......and doing so, draws an even bigger crowd!

In shock, the store manager pleads, "Ma'am, why are you saying that?" In a huff, the woman says,



The crowd broke into applause and her money was quickly refunded!!



The other day my neighbor, who is blonde, came

running up to me in the driveway just jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping for joy but I thought, what the heck, and I starting jumping up and down along with her.

She said, "I have some really great news!" I said, "Great. Tell me why you're so happy." She stopped jumping and, breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that she was pregnant! I knew that she had been trying for a while so I told her, "That's great! I couldn't be happier for you!"

Then she said, "There's more." I asked, "What do you mean 'more'?" She said, "Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to have TWINS!" Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked her how she knew. She said....

(You're going to love this!)

"Well, that was the easy part. I went to Wal-Mart and they actually had a home pregnancy kit in a twin-pack. Both tests came out positive.




It's only a oven, folks...

13:53 Mar 06 2007
Times Read: 2,593

Yesterday I left to make an estimate and returned in less then half an hour. While I was gone- a delivery came in for the new elementary school. Big commercial ovens. My sister called my father on his cell, and he came to unload them as no one else was in the warehouse. I arrived back to her telling me truck was in and Dad was unloading. I put my stuff down and went to help. Perfectly normal.

Until I walked into the warehouse to find one of the ovens lying on the floor, on its side. Dad and the Driver are standing over it, trying to figure out how to get it back on its feet. I step up to them, seeing glass. Doors busted, corners bent. “What the hell happen?” I look at Dad and notice a few things all at once.

One- he was pale. My father is not one to handle stress well. He just isn’t made to take pressure. Ask him of anything and he will do it for you. I learned a long time ago- he can not handle running a company. So I stand here with my 84 year old father in the warehouse that I grew up in, and he is as pale as a sheet.

Two- It is a fucking oven. I pay $1,800.00 a month for cargo insurance. My last damage claim that was over the $1,000.00 deductible was thirteen years ago, and that was legal fees to sue for payment. To say we are a good risk is putting it midly. No matter what the stove coasted, or will cost me, it is not worth my father’s health.

“I dropped it. I don’t know how…” I pat Dad on the back and just tell him that is what insurance is for, and it is. I joked about how we are going to get it up, and see what happens when a male gets around an oven. We joked, and I let the matter drop. Smile on my face, joking, Dad started to get the color back in his face. I was getting ready to send him home, but he bounced back.

Another half an hour later, the oven is upright on the skid. Notice the skid was not broken; Dad must have just lost the balance, as these things are very top heavy. Mistakes happen ever day. Temp glass is swept up, and the driver off with a statement from me saying we drop the oven, clearing him of all claims.

I called the distribution company and informed them of the damage. They are calling the customer…same customer I put the small dent in the mixer. *ouch*

Dad has asked me six times now how much this was going to cost us. I tell him not to worry I would handle it. Then I send him to go check on trucks, or jobs…anything to take his mind off this. I act like its no big deal, and he is finally noticing this, and is starting to relax, forgive himself for the mistake.

I just have to keep doing that as I deal with the distribution company, the customer, and my insurance agent.

The important thing- Dad is not upset. And I will keep it that way, come hell or high water.

It’s a fucking oven folks, they make them ever day.


Between the look on my father's face, and Nita's birthday yesterday, it made me see just how short our lifes can be. Is it really worth all the worry? Stress?




Nita's Birthday!! Wooo Hoooo!

04:41 Mar 06 2007
Times Read: 2,601

Elemental birthday is today and I took her out to dinner. :) Connie (Nightgame) is sick, so I had to sing the song solo. LOL Mute button might be good on this one. :)

And I can't get it to upload the edit one were its turned right- so just cock you head. LOL

Sorry- way past my bed time.

And speaking of cocking.. * wink wink* we played a game even. Whole new meaning to birthday games. And I will NEVER look at this child toy the same again..... O.o

I can't remember... did you tell me I could put this one in my journal? Or was this the one you threaten to beat me over? Hummm...




How much for that patience in the window? Woof Woof.

18:32 Mar 05 2007
Times Read: 2,607

Wonder how much patience goes for now and days? Because I would love to buy some.

Pull into a drive in and when they ask you what they can get for you, just tell them

“I would like a large order of patience. Make that a combo with curly fries, and a coke.”

Knowing me, I would get pissed by the line, the wait to reach the window.

Or go into a parts place and tell them you want patience to fit a 40-year-old model.

“I will take that extended warranty. Better yet…does it come with a life time guarantee?”

Knowing me, I would get the wrong one. And the warranty doesn’t cover shit.

Yes… I wonder what patience is going for these days.

Because I sooo could use some today.




Sahahria made me cry.

19:28 Mar 04 2007
Times Read: 2,631

Standing in front of you, rubbing my nose hard with the palm of my hand, I speak in a strange voice as tears flow down my cheeks like a baby.

"Sahahlia mafe mu crh becsued sje mage trmie my nkse hais." Snort

Translation: Sahahria made me cry because she made me trim my nose hair.

#4 little old hairs? Please...

ROFL... O.o




How to be a Sire in 7 months...

16:00 Mar 04 2007
Times Read: 2,642

“So you want to be a Sire? Here are a few tricks of the trade to do that.” I say in my best announcer voice. (Opinion express here is not of the owner of the site, or of anyone important. This site is not held liable for any opinion express by the crazy person.) LOL

Ok… so this is just how I did it, and nothing more.

Time: You must have time spent, and is 50% of the magical numbers you need. Sorry folks- you will not be a Sire in a week, or even a month or two. I believe the fastest anyone reached Sire hood was four months.

Pages Viewed: Well, I rate. Talk to friends. Read the forums. You get the point. Keep clicking that mouse and you will build these up. I have a little set pattern- I go over to the forum and I click on all new postings. Even if I do not read them, I still click on them.

Another sire told me of this, and I agree with him- you will be surprise of how fast your pages build up. I do it when I first log in and when I get ready to log out. If I miss doing if for a few day, I have to page back several “15 list” to find all the new postings.

Pages viewed takes time, but you needed that anyway, so… Moreover, this is 30% of the magical numbers needed to be in the top slots of who is online.

Posting: Well… I just don’t do it. LOL Sorry but I hate the forums. While I read them, and learn from them, I do not feel comfortable enough on the site to post. This is only me, and if you like to post to the forum- then go for it. BEWARE! This will so screw you over if you try to reach Sire with them. This is not a short cut to sire hood. You can, and will, lose post rating, as the forum is swept clean.

I repeat: THIS IS NOT A SHORTCUT! You will most likely make you lose levels as you try to build them up. Fair? Well… yes. I agree with Cancer on his stand of bullshit postings and threads. Even today I see people do the whole “I will have to look into that. I think this is neat.” While I post to the birthday, sire ones if I know the person, I will not post just to gain a number.

When it boils down to it- this, will not help you become Sire unless you do the serious ones, and post an intellectual opinion. Thus, the reason I never post. LOL Hey- I lost sire hood for several days due to the cleaning of the forum, so I speak from experience here.

Ratings: Now we get into my favorite part of the Rave. I use rating to clam, dull my mind from work problems, so I never thought of it as a bad thing. There are a few tricks to learn, so let us start with profiles.

I use to use the user’s levels and rated that way. I have to say this is how I gained my 100% rating score, but it is also were I was able to sleep, relax as it helped calm my mind from everyday shit. However, these are no more, *wipes my tear away, missing them* so here is what I would do now. Go to the profiles and there listed newest to the oldest. Click on the option were it list them by the oldest and start rating this way. And hit the portfolios. (A mistake I made when I started.)

The thing about rating this way- you see who started and built this site you are on, and I learned a lot from rating this way. Sure – hit the new members that join everyday. However, if you want ratings, this is the way to go.

Portfolios are one I am still trying to figure out. As they are open every day, I would rate by the newest, but the codes are being worked, unable to pull up. Therefore, I try and do the newest updated, and just take my chances on hitting ones I missed. If you rate these in a different way, please tell me how you do it.

*Please note- the first 15 you can not hit the return key to return to the listing. But after the first 15 are done- you can just hit the backspace key to return to your place. Just give it the first 15 entrys. :)

Rate the database. Now- these are a little tricky. Pull up the main list and select a section. I rated them as they pulled up and this will so freak with your mind. See- it is listed by the highest score and, as you and other Ravers rate, this changes. They shift and you loose your place. Select the option were there listed by the oldest to the newest. Then go to town.

Now you have it rated, so how do you tell if any is added? When you click to the database, you see the main list. The pictures in each section are of the newest listing. Has it changed? If so- then they have added to it. Click over to the section…lets say music, and at the top pick the option to list by newest. There are the newest ones and you just rate until you run into were you stopped at before.

Member’s articles are next. As above- these are listed by the highest rating. Change that to the oldest, and rate. When you are done- you just come over occasionally and change the listing to newest, and see if you have caught all of them.

It’s a lot of hard work for the 10% you get to the magical number, but think of the pages viewed and time spent you will add.

*cough to clear my throat, speaking in a deep tone* So ends the lesson of how to reach Sire hood. We hoped you enjoyed, and are able to reach your goal soon. Please enjoy your time here on the Rave. Please join us for our next lesson: How not to be a moron and piss off the Administers of VR.

*My sire hood crown sliding off my head, as I giggle, running off to play on the swing set of the VR playground*




Time to leave...

18:53 Mar 03 2007
Times Read: 2,655

Been thinking on this for a long time. Hard to do as I hate to hurt the Coven or Robin, a wonderful person. But the time has come....

What can I say- I don't do groups well. More a loner, then a social person.

Here is the message I sent, just wanted to save it.

Miss Robin... this is hard to say, so I will just say it.

I wish to leave the coven. And not to start my own, or to join another. Not even a House. I just don't believe I give anything to the coven and wish to not be dead weight for you.

As you remember, request have come out for favors and for threads in the forum. I see all the hard work people put into the Coven, and I just feel bad about not being able, or unwilling to add to it. I understand my status helps the Coven, but I should be willing to give more to have the right to stay.

As a Sire I wish to be released from the Coven, but I wanted to tell you first.

You have been nothing but nice to me and I hope we will remain friends. If you or the Coven ever need anything from me, please ask.

I wait to hear from you, my friend.




15:53 Mar 03 2007
Times Read: 2,663

If Radu would leave we would have three dominars in a row.....

* Blinks and slaps my forehead *

Now artemka has me playing his stupid game. I notice I have been going over to see who is online more and more of late.


I so need to stop reading peoples journals.




Go Goddess! :)

15:28 Mar 03 2007
Times Read: 2,668

Greek Archaeologists Discover Hera Statue

It would be the first time two statues of different gods have been located from a single temple in Greece.

THESSALONIKI, Greece (March 1) -

A 2,200-year-old statue of the goddess Hera has been found built into the walls of a city under Mount Olympus, home of Greece's ancient gods, archaeologists said on Thursday. The headless marble statue was discovered last year during excavations in the ruins of ancient Dion, some 53 miles southwest of Thessaloniki.

Archaeologist Dimitris Pantermalis said the life-sized - by human dimensions - statue had been used by the early Christian inhabitants of Dion as filling for a defensive wall.

He said the 2nd century B.C. find appeared to have originally stood in a temple of Zeus, head of the ancient Greek gods - whose statue was found in the building's ruins in 2003 and after whom Dion was named.

"We have reached the conclusion that the statue of Hera stood next to that of Zeus in the temple," said Pantermalis, a Thessaloniki University professor who has headed excavations at Dion for more than three decades.

Hera was the long-suffering wife of Zeus, a notorious philanderer, according to ancient mythology.

"The statue represents a female form seated on a throne, and is made of thick-grained marble like the one of Zeus," Pantermalis said. "It shows exactly the same technique and size, which led us to link the two statues beyond doubt."

Pantermalis said that, if confirmed, it would be the first time two statues of different gods have been located from a single temple in Greece. He said it was also possible that a statue of Athena, goddess of wisdom, could have stood in the temple of Zeus, and expressed hopes it might be discovered during future excavations.




O.O You should see the pictures..

14:44 Mar 03 2007
Times Read: 2,674

I have to admit it- I love NASA. I love space, and try to keep updated on missions.

Cassini orbiter has reached Saturn. And the pictures are stunning.

350 MPH winds.. still trying to comprehend that.

The Cassini mission was launched in 1997. Think- this machine has been 10 years to reach Saturn.

Wow. How cool is that?

Can't make a battery that last more then 20 minutes in my digital camera, but we can do this?





In the news...

16:50 Mar 02 2007
Times Read: 2,682

Eating lunch with my sister, looking at the news online.

20 Dead in GA., Ala., and MO.

6 Dead in bus crash in Alabama.

How many killed in Iraq? *deep sigh*

Korea aid for nukes deal.

Israeli troops finish West Bank operations. (Arches eyebrow)

Funeral of Anna Nicole Smith.

*Shakes my head*

Why is she still in the news?




A #3?

15:25 Mar 02 2007
Times Read: 2,689

When I find a #3 rating on my profile- I had to look into it.

I click to visit the woman's profile and it is a paid member. So I know I rated her before she became a member. I read her profile and it's nice...

I find I left her a ... *Drum roll here*... a #3 before.

I can promise you that meant the profile had a one sentence intro, if that, when I rated it the first time.

What the hell is it with people? Can you not ask for a rerate? Can you not rate profiles what you think they are worth- not what YOU got when you had a shitty profile?

Oh no.. lets leave a #3 just to get pay back... how freaking stupid can you be?

Notice- I have left her name out of this, as I do not wish to start a fight/ drama.

I am just saying- can we act like a adult? Did I go back and rate the people who rated me low when I first started? Hell no. My profile was shitty, so why would I? Ohhh by the way- if you were not a paid member- you would of gotten a #6, bit-h.

But I just left this, and a ten as she is a paid member.

"Stop back to rerate you as you have worked on your profile from when you first joined. Love the updates.

:) You update, or change your profile again- ask and I will rerate."

I swear I am getting ready to hand out pacifiers.




First one ... at the top!

10:55 Mar 02 2007
Times Read: 2,690

Holy shit!! I am the first person online!!!

LOL... what has VR come to?


Me out of lurking at 5:55am is what.

Never fear- the Batt is here now and has taken the spot..

*Wipes my forehead, unable to handle the pressure.*





03:29 Mar 02 2007
Times Read: 2,699

Time Spent:

65.00 days


Now what shall my new goal be? 75? 100?

947 pages and I will reach my 250,000 pages viewed goal.

I already have a new one for this at 300,000.

*pats self on the back*

And by the gods it take very little to make me happy. LOL O^O

Can I leave my Coven now? Huh?




RedQueen is one smart puppy...

22:19 Mar 01 2007
Times Read: 2,710

Talking to RedQueen and I have to say- this woman is one smart lady. Seeing as she is Southern- what else would she be. Here is what she said about our billing with the US DOD-

"congratulations on getting the bills to go through- you didn't really expect it to work when it got to the part of them agreeing to SEND you money, did you...lol"

*Slaps my forehead and goes Duh...*

I never even thought of that one. LOL

But then- She also gave me the dream of small penis floating around in my hot chocolate as I watched the snow fall outside my window. ROFL.





Uhh.. my journal, my music. LOL

21:32 Mar 01 2007
Times Read: 2,718

I love this song- the beat is "F"ing great. I had to put it here so I can listen to it when ever I want to. :)

* Starts clapping with the beat *




Does this shit work? Really?

19:52 Mar 01 2007
Times Read: 2,722

I am giving myself a break- rating the newest members from early this morning and I see the icon with the words of magic- Follow me- I have candy. lol

This is the profile:

Quote: looking for a good, sexy pet

i'm here to meet new people. And to find me a girl thats willing to be my pet and more. So if your out there come find me my sweet darling pet.

* looks at you and bust out laughing *

Really- does that shit work for guys? I mean... a good sexy pet?

Hell- it just ruins the whole picture of a cute puppy or kitten for me. ROFL. :)




:) Just having some fun...

17:46 Mar 01 2007
Times Read: 2,730

As we enter into the saga of the second billing with Power Track, my sister and I get a fax. Laughing, we hoped for a trip to Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, even West Virginia. My sister calls out a town, state that is no were near us, and I turn to ask her why there. She holds up the help manual we had printed off the web for Power Track- “Because that is were they are.” LOL Scary, she said it with an evil grin. That lead to us plotting and planning if we had a delivery to the Power Track office, and the joy we would have at paybacks.

“I walk into the office and have the package, getting them to sign for it. I would use the little pad, punch in a few numbers, and just stand there. When they finally ask me for the package- I would turn to them and say- Can’t you see I am on hold?” lol

“Remember the Beverly Hills Cop? I would carry it in and take it to a desk, sweat pouring down my face, holding it so very still as I walk, placing it on the desk gently. Asking someone to sign for it, stopping him or her from moving it. Please wait until I have left the building and at a safe distance before you touch it. Must be from another satisfied customer…” *Smirk*

“Bring in the package; flatten, with tire tracks on it. When they ask me what happen, I will tell them I had TECHINIAL ISSUES!” *laughter, snort*

“Take the job, and never show up. If they call asking for it, we use the lines we get: It is being handling by a committee. A service number is requested before we can address this issue. The best of all… I WILL GET BACK WITH YOU!, we both say together.” *laughter*

“Call from three states away and saying you can not find the address. When told you are in the wrong state- I would tell them, but the HELP MANUEL told me to go there.” *Growls* Fucking waste of printer ink, folks.

“Hand over a flat carton, with water pouring out of it. When they look at you, just smile and say all sweet- I had ISSUES with it.”




Ahhh RedQueen. *rat pets the puppy*

08:54 Mar 01 2007
Times Read: 2,736

Been awake since 3:00am with work stuff on my mind, playing on VR. *Yawns* Smiles.... looks like the old rating thing has worked again, as I am ready to go back to sleep a hour later.

RedQueen is putting me to sleep with a smile as I read some of my favorites before bed-

And the circumcision of squirrels, and her evil laughter as it snows ....

* laughs as I turn off the laptop, roll over to snuggle up to my pillow *

Night all.... or Morning all. You know what I mean. :)



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